We’ve hit 100,000!

It has been a little over a year since we launched the regenagri initiative, and we are absolutely delighted to be able to announce that we now have over 100,000 hectares of regenerative agricultural land under this program.

We have a fantastic global spread of this land, showing that regenerative agriculture is a truly worldwide phenomenon. At the time of writing, our geographical spread of hectares in the initiative is:

LocationsHectares under the initiative
The Americas56,000

It is a widely acknowledged fact that modern agriculture is a significant contributor to climate change. Regenerative agriculture however gives us the ability to produce food and fibre in harmony with nature, increasing bio-diversity, sequestering carbon, protecting waterways and improving our soils.  Sir David Attenborough said in the recent BBC program Earthshot:

“Healthy soils, full of life, are one of the greatest carbon stores on earth”

Health soils are central to our mission at regenagri – to support the ‘health of the land and the wealth of those who live on it’. Having reached 100,000 hectares under the program is a significant milestone for us, not just because it’s a nice round number, but because it represents the active regeneration of our agricultural land, and the benefit that brings to those who’s livelihoods depend on it.