Theory of Change

Theory of Change

The Theory of Change (ToC) of Regenagri C.i.C. is driven by key activities such as robust analysis, stakeholders’ consultations, knowledge and learning activities.

Our ToC helps to identify solutions and the approach to tackle the causes of issues such as loss of biodiversity, loss of soil health, climate change.

The ToC is periodically reviewed to ensure that its approach is still effective to bring the desired change. Assumptions and risks analysis are also periodically reviewed and, if needed, adjusted to fit within the context.

Our Theory of Change invites stakeholders to collaborate and share knowledge in order to change agriculture and its value chains so that land is regenerated and climate targets are achieved.

View the full Theory of Change document here.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning system

Regenagri C.i.C. implement a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning system to assess the effectiveness of the regenagri program in achieving its objectives and to measure and validate its impact. 

The assessment of the effectiveness is carried out through procedures including, but not limited to, periodical review of Certification Bodies, review of audited data, feedback mechanisms with certified organisation and licensees, benchmarking activities with scientific sources as well as with other standards, stakeholders consultations, periodical analysis of data. 

On a continuous basis Regenagri C.i.C. monitors the uptake and the impact of the program. This is done through data reviews, validations and data analysis.

The monitoring of impact and uptake allows Regenagri C.i.C. to assess the achievement of its targets.

All data supporting the certification are required to be certified by certification bodies holding external accreditations (by national or global accreditation bodies). 

This data verification process allows Regenagri C.i.C. to carry out a valid and reliable analysis of the impact and uptake of its standards. 

The analysis of data constitutes an important learning opportunity to further improve the regenagri standards and approaches. 

Annually, Regenagri C.i.C. carries out a review of the MEL system to ensure its effectiveness. Periodical impact analysis are also done to highlight areas of success, challenges to address, regional contexts; the related reports contain very valuable data for stakeholders and are intended to be share publicly. 

The output from the MEL evaluation include: 

  • Global and regional uptake of the regenagri program  
  • Conservation achieved  
  • Carbon and GHG emissions data 
  • Environmental impact indicators (ie soil health, water) 

These will be shared publicly through the website and other public channels.