16 Nov 2021
Knowledge sharing with the United Nations Environmental Program
With COP26 continuing to dominate the headlines, it is vital to remember that climate change and biodiversity are intrinsically interlinked, and both are vital to the future health of our planet. With that in mind, we were delighted that the regenagri team from Control Union UK were recently been invited to contribute to a meeting with the United Nations Environmental Program’s (UNEP) internal task force on Sustainable Food Systems and Resilient Agriculture.
The task force is assessing how the private sector is managing the transition from conventional and industrialised agriculture to regenerative agriculture. They recognise the huge benefits regenerative approaches have to biodiversity, as well as to soil health, water management and carbon sequestration. They also agree with our perspective that regenerative agriculture can make food and fibre production much more resilient to the increasingly volatile weather systems we are now seeing globally.
We presented the regenagri program to the UNEP team, focusing on how regenerative practices and outcomes can be monitored through the regenagri digital hub to show how on farm regeneration can be measured and monitored. We also as well as discussing what type of support farms from different parts of the world need when making the transition to regenerative approaches.
The task force aims to learn from the way in which regenagri is working with private enterprises to promote regenerative farming, in order for them to understand better how they might use their significant influence as a leading NGO to do the same on an international level.
To find out more about how we can help you transition to regenerative approaches please contact us
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